Zika Virus Information for Travelers from the Georgia Department of Public Health

DPH Logo SmallThe World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Zika virus a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. The Georgia Department of Public Health cautions travelers, especially women who are pregnant, to protect themselves againstZikaVirusBanner-Protect-Prevent-small bites when heading to countries where Zika virus transmission is ongoing. 

There are urgent concerns about Zika virus infection and pregnant women. Zika virus infections have been confirmed in infants with microcephaly and in the current outbreak in Brazil, a marked increase in the number of infants born with microcephaly has been reported. Pregnant women or women trying to get pregnant should not travel to areas where Zika virus transmission is ongoing.

For more information about Zika virus, please review the resources on this page, especially the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

Mosquito for web3Zika Virus Infection

Zika Guidance for Pregnant Women
Zika Prevention
EPA Registered Insects Repellents
Zika FAQ
DPH Zika Virus Campaign Materials

Zika testing guidance for physicians and laboratories

Zika Guidance for Physicians/Healthcare Providers (UPDATED 8/02/16)

Zika virus testing -- what laboratorians need to know (UPDATED 8/02/16)   Dr. Fitzgerald Zika Video                


Información sobre virus Zika en español                                                                            

Zika Precautions Urged for GA Travelers

Intl Travel Clinic logo with small tag-small
Message from the North Georgia Health District: Contact our Gilmer County International Travel Clinic for ALL your travel health needs, including information regarding Zika virus and how to best protect against it when planning your journey. Click on the travel clinic icon.
Click here to the Georgia Department of Public Health's website for the latest confirmed Zika cases in Georgia - Confirmed Zika cases by county
                                           GA DPH Zika Virus Infection Flyer in English                                    
Web-ZIKA.Fact Sheet.FINAL-4web Web-ZIKA.Fact Sheet.FINAL-2-4web  
                                           GA DPH Zika Virus Infection Flyer en Espanol
Web-ZIKA.Fact Sheet.FINAL.Spanish-4Web Web-ZIKA.Fact Sheet.FINAL.Spanish-2-4Web