Dalton (GA) – Many people are surprised to learn that family and friends are the biggest suppliers of abused prescription drugs, yet according to the Medical Association of Georgia Foundation, it is true, and prescription drug abuse is a national epidemic with well over 16,500 deaths a year from pain killer overdose. More people now die each year from accidental drug overdose than in auto accidents.

National Take-Back Day, now in its eighth year, is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration that provides a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse of medications.

National Take-Back Day is Saturday, April 26, 2014, and local drop-off collection sites will be available from 10 AM to 2 PM that day at these Dalton and Chatsworth locations:

- K-Mart  - 1308 W. Walnut Avenue, Dalton

- Kroger  - 1205 Cleveland Highway, Dalton

- Bi-Lo  - 502 G.I. Maddox Parkway, Chatsworth

Anyone wishing to drop off their unused or expired medication for safe disposal is encouraged to come that day to the secure, designated drive-through area at these specified locations. No questions will be asked. No identification will be required.

The National Take-Back Day collection sites in Dalton and Chatsworth are being hosted through a collaboration of the Dalton Police Department, the Murray County Sheriff's Office, the Family Support Council, the Family Connection of Murray and Whitfield Counties, the Oakwood Cafe in Dalton and the North Georgia Health District, part of the Georgia Department of Public Health.

For more information about National Take-Back Day, please visit www.dea.gov.


Click here for Flyer.   Click here for Public Service Announcement.