Gilmer County Health Department will host Free Walk-In Clinical Breast Exams for qualified patients on Wednesday, October 26th from 8 AM to 11 AM. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and it's time to remind the public that the key to breast cancer survival is early detection! Breast cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in women. About 1 in 8 women born today in the United States will get breast cancer at some point. . . but the good news is that many women can survive breast cancer if it’s found and treated early. Regular screening for breast cancer can help find breast cancer early when it’s easier to treat. Contact the Gilmer County Health Department at (706) 635-4363 to learn more about free clinical breast exams offered on the 26th or just come by the health department that day at 28 Southside Church Street in Ellijay. Learn more about cancer and its prevention at

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