Despite rainy conditions that forced Murray County Health Department's Drive-by Flu Shot Clinic indoors today, 135 Murray County residents came to the Murray County Recreation Center for their vaccinations and are now better prepared to face the flu season.
Tom Starnes at Murray County Drive-by Flu Shot ClinicDebbie Chesnutt, County Nurse Manager, gives a flu shot to Tom Starnes, former County Manager and Director of Economic Development, at the Murray County Drive-by Flu Shot Clinic
Debbie Chesnutt, County Nurse Manager, is pleased with the turn out today and is urging all residents to protect themselves by receiving a flu shot at the health department located at 709 Old Dalton-Ellijay Road in Chatsworth.

Having the flu can lead to serious complications and death. The best protection against influenza is a flu shot.

The flu vaccine is $20 at the health department, and the department is accepting cash, checks, Medicare, Medicaid, State Cigna and State Healthcare Insurances.

Today's flu shot clinic also served as an opportunity for the Murray County Health Department to test their ability to quickly administer medications in a widespread public health crisis such as pandemic influenza. Vaccinations were administered within just a few minutes of participants' arrival at the clinic.

For more information about receiving a flu shot, please contact the Murray County Health Department at (706) 695-4585, or log onto
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