Breastfeeding Strategies for Special Situations by Karen Gromada 

Dalton (GA)Karen Gromada, MSN, RN, IBCLC, FILCA, will be the featured guest speaker at the 2014 Breastfeeding Conference at the Northwest Georgia Trade and Convention Center in Dalton, Georgia on Wednesday, March 26 at 8 A.M. The conference theme is Breastfeeding Strategies for Special Situations. 

Gromada has worked in various perinatal settings, including labor and delivery, obstetric early discharge homecare, and as a private practice and hospital-based lactation consultant. She leads a La Leche League group for mothers of multiples and is the author of Mothering Multiples: Breastfeeding and Caring for Twins or More (2007). She has also written related articles for professional and parenting publications. Gromada served as President of the International Lactation Consultant Association from 1994 to1996. 

Presented by the Northwest Georgia Breastfeeding Coalition and sponsored by the North Georgia Health District, the 2014 Breastfeeding Conference is particularly essential for physicians, nurses, lactation consultants, dietitians, certified nurse midwives, certified professional midwives, La Leche League leaders, WIC employees, nutritionists, nurse practitioners and anyone who works with breastfeeding moms.

Registration is available online at nwgabfcoalition.com/registration-2. 

Full registration is $120 for guests and $60 for La Leche League leaders. Full registration includes continental breakfast at 7:15 A.M., lunch, a totebag and educational credit certificates have been applied for through the following organizations: Georgia Nurses Association (GNA), International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE)andthe Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND). Community members attending for half the day will be charged $20; however, that fee does not include meals, snacks, totebag or certificates. Walk-in guests are welcome to register on the day of the conference beginning at 7:15 A.M. 

For more information about the 2014 Breastfeeding Conference, including the full schedule, log onto nwgabfcoalition.com or contact Patty Spanjer, IBCLC, LLLL at (706) 278-9074 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..