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 Breastsleeping; Biology and Culture 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

8 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.

Dalton Convention Center, 2211 Dug Gap Battle Road, Dalton, GA 30720


Conference Speaker is JAMES MCKENNA

(B.A., University of California, Berkeley; M.A., San Diego State University; Ph.D., University of Oregon) Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, C.S.C., Professor of Anthropology


A total of 6.5 CERPs through IBLCE and 6.5 CPEUs through A.N.D. have been applied for.



7:15 A.M.  Conference Registration & Continental Breakfast

8:00 A.M. Welcome

8:15 A.M.  A Brief History of Maternal-Infant Sleep in Western  Industrialized Societies: Or Why Infants Have Sleep Problems To Solve (And What To DO About Them) (1.5 hour)

9:45 A.M. Break

10:00 A.M.  The Return of Breastsleeping  Part 1 (1.5 Hour).

11:30 NOON Buffet Lunch/visit exhibits

12:15 P.M.   The Return of Breastsleeping (Part 2)  (1.5 hour)

1:45  P.M. Break/Visit Exhibits

2:00 P.M.   Bio-Cultural Origins of Colic (1 hour)

3:00 P.M. Power break/ Dessert

3:20 P.M.   Long and Short Term Effects of Breastsleeping: An Evidence- Based Medical Perspective   (1 hour)

4:20 P.M. Closing & Evaluation

4:30 P.M. Goodbye Everyone.  Have a Safe Trip Home.


Walk-Ins for Registration are Welcome! Registration is $130.00.


For more information, call the Northwest Georgia Breastfeeding Coalition at (706) 260-1384 or go to nwgabfcoalition.com