Healthy people, families, and communities.

Cherokee Back-to-School Poster for webPrepare your child for the upcoming school year!

The Cherokee County Health Department will conduct a Back-to-School Health Clinic on Tuesday, April 22, 2014 from 1 to 6 p.m. at public health centers in both Canton and Woodstock. The required Hearing, Dental, Vision and BMI/Nutrition Screenings will be available: Total cost for screenings is forty dollars. Also, immunizations will be provided for school-age children (there is a charge for vaccines). Medicaid is accepted. The Canton Health Center is located at 1219 Univeter Road in Canton, and the Woodstock Health Center is at 7545 North Main Street in Woodstock. For more information, please call (770) 345-7371 in Canton or (770) 928-0133 in Woodstock.

(Click here to view/print Flyer - click directly on image at right to enlarge Poster)