Breastfeeding: Protecting Mothers’ Life Long Health
by Dr. Kathleen Kendall-Tackett
on Wednesday, March 28, 2012
at the Northwest Georgia Trade and Convention Center

The Northwest Georgia Breastfeeding Coalition presents Breastfeeding: Protecting Mothers' Life Long Health by guest speaker Dr. Kathleen Kendall-Tackett on Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at the Northwest Georgia Trade and Convention Center. Registration begins at 7:15 a.m., and the all-day session includes breakfast and lunch.

Physicians, nurses, lactation consultants, dietitians, certified nurse midwives, La Leche League Leaders, WIC staff, nutritionists, nurse practitioners, and anyone who works with breastfeeding moms are encouraged to attend!

Dr. Kendall-Tackett is a health psychologist, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, and a specialist in mind-body medicine.

A Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Texas Tech University School of Medicine in Amarillo, Texas, Dr. Kendall-Tackett is also a Fellow of the American Psychological Association in, both, the Divisions of Health and Trauma Psychology. Additionally, she is an Associate Editor of the journal Psychological Trauma and an Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Lactation.

Dr. Kendall-Tackett is author of more than 280 journal articles, book chapters and other publications, and is involved as either author or editor of 20 books in the fields of trauma, women’s health, depression, and breastfeeding, including Depression in New Mothers, 2nd Edition (2010, Taylor & Francis), The Psychoneuroimmunology of Chronic Disease (2010, American Psychological Assn), Non-Pharmacologic Treatments for Depression in New Mothers (2008, Hale Publishing), and Breastfeeding Made Simple, (coauthored with Nancy Mohrbacher). She is a founding officer of the American Psychological Association’s Division of Trauma Psychology, and she is currently serving her second term as Division Secretary.

To learn more about this seminar and to register online visit http://www.nwgabfcoalition.com/.