Healthy people, families, and communities.


National Women's Health Week

May 12–18, 2019

What steps can you take for better health?
Select your age group. . .
go to your 20s go to your 30s go to your 40s go to your 50s go to your 60s go to your 70s go to your 80s go to your 90s
National Women's Health Week graphicIt's never too early or late to work toward being your healthiest you! This National Women's Health Week, we want to help you take control of your health.
Take the first step! Join the National Women's Health Week celebration and learn what you can do to lead a healthier life at any age.
Contact your Public Health Department for more information in Cherokee, Fannin, Gilmer, Murray, Pickens or Whitfield County! Just go to the LOCATIONS tab up above.
Information and services that will help you in your health care and family planning decisions are available. You will be served by a team of professionals (nurse practitioners and public health nurses).

Services include:

· Blood pressure and weight evaluation
· Breast and Pelvic Exam, Pap Smear Screening and Referral, if needed
· Breast Self Exam Instruction and Counseling
· Screening, Diagnosis, Treatment and/ or referral for Vaginal Infections, STDs (including HIV)
· Routine Laboratory Testing
· Mammogram Referral
· Pregnancy Testing
· Referral for Perinatal and other Case Management Services

Available Birth Control Methods, including Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs):

· Condoms
· Depo-Provera
· Natural Family Planning/Fertility Awareness
· The “Pill”
· The “Patch”
· Referral for Tubal Ligation (Female Sterilization)
· Referral for Vasectomy (Male Sterilization)
· Referral for Emergency Contraception (Plan B)
· Abstinence Counseling