From the Georgia Department of Public Health website

Prevent Mosquito borne Diseases Web Banner

Mosquito-borne Viral Diseases

Several mosquito-borne viruses circulate in Georgia each year and are capable of causing disease in humans and other animals. The most common mosquito-borne viruses in Georgia include West Nile virus, Eastern Equine encephalitis virus, and LaCrosse virus. Saint Louis encephalitis virus has also been detected in Georgia in the past. Mosquito-borne viruses are most active late spring through early fall in Georgia.

Mosquito-borne viruses can infect birds, horses, and other animals in addition to humans. If public health reports positive birds or horses in your area, or if you see large numbers of mosquitoes, you could be at increased risk of infection. Always take personal protective measures to avoid mosquito bites, especially when mosquito-borne viruses have been identified near you.

For more information on mosquitoes in North Georgia, click on the LOCATIONS tab above in the navigation bar and choose the County Environmental Health office for your county in North Georgia.

Information on Repellents:

The Georgia Department of Public Health recommends the use of products containing active ingredients that have been registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use as repellents applied to skin and clothing.

Of the products registered with the EPA, those containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535, and some oil of lemon eucalyptus and para-menthane-diol products provide longer-lasting protection.

EPA registration means that EPA does not expect the product to cause adverse effects to human health or the environment when used according to the label.

Related Links

Public Health

Georgia Department of Agriculture, Animal Industry Information
The Animal Industry Division of the Georgia Department of Agriculture is responsible for monitoring, detecting, and controlling over 100 animal diseases that can have a significant impact on the agricultural economy and trade, or that can be contagious to both animals and people (i.e. zoonoses). This includes West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis.

Georgia Department of Public Health, Environmental Health 
Provides primary prevention through a combination of surveillance, education, enforcement, and assessment programs designed to identify, prevent and abate the environmental conditions that adversely impact human health. Link is to Georgia County Environmental Health office phone numbers.

West Nile Virus Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The CDC website provides national surveillance data for West Nile virus and other arboviruses.

USGS West Nile Virus Maps for the United States
The United States Geological Survey displays national and state maps of West Nile virus and other arbovirus surveillance data.

Mosquito Control

Be an Educated Consumer!
From University of Florida: There are many devices on the market advertised to control mosquitoes. The advertisements for these devices are aimed at the average homeowner. How do you know if they will work? It is unfortunate that many advertisements take advantage of the concerns we have to protect family members from mosquito-borne disease. This factsheet is provided to assist homeowners in smart decision-making when it comes to protecting the health of you and your family.

Georgia Mosquito Control Association
Providing Support for the Mosquito Control Profession in Georgia

University of Florida: Mosquito Information Website
Maps and charts of mosquito-borne diseases in Florida.

The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials publication, "Public Health Confronts the Mosquito: Developing Sustainable State and Local Mosquito Control Programs".

EPA: Pesticides: Mosquito Control
Mosquitoes can be annoying and sometimes pose a serious risk to public health. In certain areas of the United States, mosquitoes can transmit diseases like West Nile Virus and equine encephalitis. To combat mosquitoes and the public health hazards they present, many federal agencies, states and localities have established mosquito control programs.