National Infant Immunization Week is April 18 – April 25, 2015

North Georgia National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW) is April 18 – April 25, 2015, and North Georgia Health District 1-2 of the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) urges residents to protect infants from vaccine-preventable diseases. We can all help by ensuring our little ones and everyone around them, are vaccinated and up-to-date on their immunization schedules.

“Vaccines are crucial to protecting children before they are exposed to potentially life-threatening diseases,” said Sheila Lovett, Interim Director of the Georgia Immunization Program. “Immunization is a shared responsibility and we as parents, family, friends and health care providers can help keep our children and our communities protected by staying current on our immunization schedule. We urge parents to speak with their pediatrician or health care provider at every visit to make sure their infant is up-to-date on vaccinations.”

According to the most recent data available through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Immunization Survey, Georgia immunization rates for Tdap were below the national average, ranking them 39th compared to other states. Similar to national trends, the number of pertussis cases in Georgia increased in 2014 with 396 pertussis cases reported to DPH compared to the 269 cases reported in 2013. Of those 396 pertussis cases reported in 2014, 99 (26.8%) were infants < 12 months of age.

NIIW is a call to action for parents, caregivers and health care providers to ensure that infants are fully vaccinated against 14 vaccine-preventable diseases.

Please see the following recommended immunization schedule for young children:

Infant Immunization Schedule as of 2015

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

* Two doses given at least four weeks apart are recommended for children aged 6 months through 8 years of age who are getting a flu vaccine for the first time and for some other children in this age group.

§ Two doses of HepA vaccine are needed for lasting protection. The first dose of HepA vaccine should be given between 12 months and 23 months of age. The second dose should be given 6 to 18 months later. HepA vaccination may be given to any child 12 months and older to protect against HepA. Children and adolescents, who did not receive the HepA vaccine and are at high-risk, should be vaccinated against HepA.

According to the CDC, the United States currently has the safest, most effective vaccine supply in its history. Scientists, doctors and health care professionals give vaccines to children only after long, thorough and careful review. The disease-prevention benefits of getting vaccines are much greater than the possible side effects for most children. Vaccination is the best way to protect others you care about from vaccine-preventable diseases.

North Georgia Health District 1-2 of the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) encourages everyone – in observance of National Infant Immunization Week – to protect the little ones who cannot yet protect themselves: contact your local public health department or pediatrician to ensure your infant is up-to-date on vaccinations.

Immunization events at health departments within the North Georgia Health District include a Luau theme April 20 – 24 at the Gilmer County Health Department at 28 Southside Church Street in Ellijay. Goody bags will be given to all children who come in for vaccinations. Call (706) 635-4363 for more information.

Also, the Cherokee County Health Department will hold a Back-to-School Health Clinic on April 28 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. at both health department locations in the county. Those addresses are 1219 Univeter Road in Canton and 7545 North Main Street in Woodstock. For more information, call (770) 345-7371 in Canton or (770)928-0133 in Woodstock.

For more information on vaccinations, visit http://dph.georgia.gov/immunization-section.