Jasper (GA) – A Pickens County dog has been euthanized because it was not vaccinated against rabies and came into contact with a rabies-infected animal.


Jan Stephens of Pickens County Environmental Health reported there was a fight between the dog and a raccoon in the Henderson Mountain Road area of Pickens County on Tuesday, July 1. The raccoon was shot and environmental health sent the head to the Georgia Public Health Laboratory for testing. Test results came back the following day that the raccoon was positive for rabies, and since the dog was not vaccinated against rabies, it was euthanized.


The other household animals at the residence were current on their vaccinations so the only requirement for them was a rabies booster shot.


Georgia state law requires that ALL dogs and cats receive rabies shots on a regular basis for the protection of other animals and their owners. An unvaccinated animal that is exposed to a rabid bat or other rabid animal may also become rabid and expose family members and pets to the disease before it is discovered.


Rabies that goes untreated is fatal almost 100 percent of the time.


A vaccinated pet is the best protection for everyone.


Additionally, anytime a person or domestic animal in this area receives an animal bite, it must be reported to Pickens County Environmental Health at (706) 253-0900.


For more information about rabies and rabies protection, log onto the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website at http://www.cdc.gov/features/rabiessafefamily/.