What you don’t know about restaurant scores can hurt you!
Written by: Andrea Wheeler, Manager of Gilmer County Environmental Health
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Category: Media Releases
Did you know that a food service establishment could score a 91 with one critical violation? If you don’t read the inspection report, your initial thoughts might be “Wow, they scored great!” What you don’t know is that they could have violated critical categories such as temperatures, food-handling, and personal hygiene. These critical violations can count as much as 9 points and are the “guts” of the food service program. Critical violations can certainly lead to food-borne illness! It is very important that you read the inspection report upon entering the facility. Once you know what the violations were, you can make a better decision on whether or not to dine at that particular establishment.
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Hits: 5908
National Infant Immunization Week in Pickens
Written by: Jennifer Moorer
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Category: Media Releases
Please join the Pickens County Health Department and Community Partners to help celebrate National Infant Immunization Week on Thursday, April 29, 2010 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Bring the kids and join us for a fun filled day at the health department.
It is a great opportunity to take advantage of:
Bring the kids and join us for a fun filled day at the health department.
It is a great opportunity to take advantage of:
- Free 3231’s (immunization forms for school/daycare)
- Free H1N1 Vaccinations
- Free Tdap Vaccines for Post-Partum Mothers on WIC
- Community Resources
- Fun and Games for the Kids
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Hits: 4913