
Born between 1945 and 1965? YOU need to be tested for Hepatitis C! Hepatitis C Clinic in Blue Ridge Graphic 4web

Blue Ridge, GA – The Fannin County Health Department is conducting a HEPATITIS C CLINIC on Monday, July 10th from 9 AM to Noon at their location at 95 Ouida Street in Blue Ridge. The clinic is offering FREE Rapid Hepatitis C Testing. Hepatitis C is 10 times more infectious that HIV and more than 75% of adults with Hepatitis C are Baby Boomers – people born between 1945 and 1965. Most people who are infected with Hepatitis C don’t know it; therefore, getting tested is key! For more information about the upcoming HEPATITIS C CLINIC in Blue Ridge, contact the Fannin County Health Department at (706) 632-3023.


Ready to Quit

wellness smoking20quit20gal crop smYOU can quit smoking today. We can help. When you are ready, we are here. Improve your chances of quitting by calling the Georgia Tobacco Quit Line (GTQL).

English:                    1-877-270-STOP (877-270-7867)

Spanish:                   1-855 DEJELO-YA

Hearing Impaired:   1-877-777-6534

Hours of Operation: Available every day, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (including holidays)

What is the Georgia Tobacco Quit Line?

The Georgia Tobacco Quit Line is a public health service funded by the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement through the Georgia State Legislature. It is a FREE, confidential and effective service available to assist Georgians with quitting smoking and all forms of tobacco. The quit line is monitored by GTUPP and partners with a national tobacco cessation vendor to provide telephone and web-based counseling services in accordance with the United States Public Health Service Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence Clinical Practice Guidelines. The services provided by the Georgia Tobacco Quit Line (GTQL) are effective, evidence-based interventions to help Georgians quit smoking and using any other smokeless tobacco products (i.e., dip or snuff).

Who can call the Georgia Tobacco Quit Line?

An array of Georgians can call the quit line for their specific needs including tobacco users themselves; family members, friends, healthcare providers, public health professionals, employers, and any other Georgian. Services are provided for any tobacco user 13 years or older living in Georgia.

Which services are provided by the Georgia Tobacco Quit Line?

  • Confidential, professional tobacco cessation telephone & web-based counseling to Georgia tobacco users aged 13 years and older
  • 4-call program available to all  Georgians
  • 10-call specialty program available to pregnant and postpartum women
  • Cessation services that address the use of all tobacco products, including smokeless tobacco products.
  • Qualified interpreters work with specialists to accommodate callers who speak different languages.
  • Referral to community resources
  • *While supplies last, receive a free, 4-week supply of Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRTs) (gum or patch) available to Georgia adults aged 18 years and older.
  • *While supplies last, receive a free, 4-week supply of NRTs (gum or patch) for Medicaid recipients aged 18 years and older.

What are the benefits of calling the tobacco quit line?

  • Highly effective. Quit coaches improve the chances of quitting by 50%.
  • Receive helpful quitting tips/techniques and support.
  • Eliminates barriers of traditional cessation classes such as, waiting for a class to be held or having to drive to a location in order to be in a class.
  • Provides easy access for people who live in rural or remote areas.
  • Empowers callers who may feel uncomfortable with seeking help in a group setting

Additional Resources

Chronic Disease: Your Reason for Quitting Today

Comprehensive Annual Evaluation Report

Data Summary: Tobacco Quit Line and Smoking Cessation

Georgia Tobacco Quit Line Supplemental Sustainability Plan

GTQL-Fax Referral Form-English

GTQL Fax Referral Form-Spanish

Help Your Patients Quit Smoking Today

How Does the Quit Line Work?

Myths about NRT (Nicotine Replacement Therapy)

Press Release: Make a Plan to Quit Tobacco for Good

Resource for Providers-E-Cigarettes: A Hard Conversation Is Worth Having

Su Razón Para Dejar de Fumar Hoy

Within 20 Minutes of Quitting

Your Reason for Quitting Today

The One-Stop Spot for School Students' State Health Requirements.

Back to School Bash Pickens for WebPrepare your child for the upcoming school year! The Pickens County Health Department will conduct a Back-to-School Bash Health Clinic on Tuesday, July 18th from 1 to 6 p.m. The health department is located at 60 Health Way in Jasper. This is the One-Stop Spot for school students’ state health requirements. The clinic is offering required Hearing, Dental, Vision and BMI/Nutrition Screenings and providing Immunizations for school-age children. The clinic is accepting Medicaid (including AmeriGroup, PeachState and WellCare) and PeachCare for Kids. For more information or to check on additional insurances accepted, please call (706) 253-2821.

Hepatitis C Clinic Canton webCANTON (GA) - The Cherokee County Health Department is conducting a HEPATITIS C CLINIC on Tuesday, June 20th from 2 to 6 PM at their Canton location, 1219 Univeter Road. The clinic is offering FREE Rapid Hepatitis C Testing. Hepatitis C is 10 times more infectious that HIV and more than 75% of adults with Hepatitis C are Baby Boomers – people born between 1945 to 1965. Most people who are infected with Hepatitis C don’t know it; therefore, getting tested is key! For more information about the upcoming HEPATITIS C CLINIC in Canton, contact the Cherokee County Health Department at (770) 345-7371.