
 Drive through and BEAT the FLU in Chatsworth  - Tuesday, October 9th!

Murray Drive thru Flu Shot Clinic web

 The Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinic is for people 18 and older. Click on this graphic to view the Drive-thru Flyer and SHARE!

Chatsworth (GA) Fast, safe, convenient... drive through and beat the flu at the DRIVE-THRU FLU SHOT CLINIC in Chatsworth! Just roll in, roll up a sleeve and get your flu shot while seated in your vehicle. The Murray County Health Department will conduct their annual Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinic for people ages 18 and older on Tuesday, October 9th from 8 am to 6 pm at Murray County Parks and Recreation Department, 651 Hyden Tyler Road, Chatsworth. You will be helping public health staff and community partners practice local Point of Dispensing plans for times of emergency. There will be no additional charge for a flu shot to people under Medicare or Medicaid or to anyone with Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Humana and United Healthcare Insurance. Otherwise, the quadrivalent flu shot that protects against four strains of flu will be $25 and the high dose flu shot with an extra boost of protection for people 65 and older will be $65. Cash and checks will be accepted. The CDC recommends getting a flu shot by the end of October. The fastest, most convenient way to get that shot is at the Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinic in Chatsworth! Call (706) 695-4585 for more information.

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When Should I Start Getting Mammograms?

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In this vdeo, CDC’s Dr. Lisa Richardson talks about the best time for women to start getting mammograms to screen for breast cancer. Click and watch!

Other than skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women.

Getting mammograms regularly can lower the risk of dying from breast cancer. The United States Preventive Services Task Force recommends that if you are 50 to 74 years old, be sure to have a screening mammogram every two years. If you are 40 to 49 years old, talk to your doctor about when to start and how often to get a screening mammogram or contact your County Health Department in North Georgia.

What Are the Symptoms?

There are different symptoms of breast cancer, and some people have no symptoms at all. Symptoms can include—

  • Any change in the size or the shape of the breast.
  • Pain in any area of the breast.
  • Nipple discharge other than breast milk (including blood).Mammogram
  • A new lump in the breast or underarm.

If you have any signs that worry you, see your doctor right away.

How Can I Lower My Risk?

Some main factors that influence your risk for breast cancer include—

Most women who get breast cancer have no known risk factors and no history of the disease in their families. There are things you can do to can help lower your breast cancer risk.

Although breast cancer screening cannot prevent breast cancer, it can help find breast cancer early, when it is easier to treat. Talk to your doctor about which breast cancer screening tests are right for you, and when you should have them.

National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program: Screening Women, Saving Lives

Are you worried about the cost?CDC offers free or low-cost mammograms. Find out if you qualify.

Fast Facts About Breast Cancer

  • Each year in the United States, more than 240,000 women get breast cancer and more than 40,000 women die from the disease. See detailed statistics.
  • Men also get breast cancer, but it is not very common. Less than 1% of breast cancers occur in men.
  • Most breast cancers are found in women who are 50 years old or older, but breast cancer also affects younger women. About 10% of all new cases of breast cancer in the United States are found in women younger than 45 years of age.

Get more information about breast cancer awareness from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by clicking here.

Hollye Petty webAs Breast Cancer Awareness Month ends, here's a very personal story of survival from our own Hollye Petty, RN BSN, of Fannin County Health Department: "My story is an example of why early detection is so important. In late July, I noticed an unusual lump on my right breast. I went for a mammogram and ultrasound that determined it was nothing of concern; however, there was something on the left that was so tiny it could not be felt in a self exam. It was cancer. So, surgery and radiation followed. Thanks to early detection, the cancer was caught before any spread to my lymph nodes or other areas.I cannot stress enough the importance of regular mammograms - It really does save lives! My heart and prayers go out to all who fight this disease - we are strong - we are warriors and we will fight like a girl!"

Drive thrus Begin web

North Georgia – Residents are getting ready to drive through and beat the flu at one of six public health Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinics held over the next two weeks in the North Georgia Health District.

The Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinics start tomorrow, September 25th, and each will be held by the county health departments for one day at various locations through October 9th, as follows:

Cherokee: Tuesday, September 25th, 9 A.M. – 2 P.M., Woodstock City Church: 150 Ridgewalk Parkway, Woodstock, GA. Call (770) 928-0133 or (770) 345-7371 for more details.

Pickens: Tuesday, September 25th, 8:30 A.M. – 3 P.M., Mt. Zion Baptist Church: 1036 North Main Street, Jasper, GA. Call (706) 253-2821 for more details.

Fannin: Wednesday, September 26th, 9 A.M. – 3 P.M., The Farmers Market: East First Street, Blue Ridge, GA. Call (706) 632-3023 for more details.

Whitfield: Tuesday, October 2nd, 9 A.M. – 5 P.M., Dalton Convention Center: 2211 Dug Gap Battle Road, Dalton, GA. Call (706) 279-9600 for more details.

Gilmer: Thursday, October 4th, 8:30 A.M. – 2 P.M., Pleasant Grove Baptist Church: 115 Pleasant Grove Road, Ellijay, GA. Call (706) 635-4363 for more details.

Murray: Tuesday, October 9th, 8 A.M. – 6 P.M., Murray County Parks and Recreation Department: 651 Hyden Tyler Road, Chatsworth, GA. Call (706) 695-4585 for more details.

These clinics serve people ages 18 and over.

No additional charges for a flu shot will be required of anyone who is under Medicare or Medicaid or has a health insurance plan through Aetna, BlueCross BlueShield, United Healthcare, Humana and some other health insurance companies, depending on the county.

Otherwise, the cost of the four-in-one quadrivalent flu vaccine will be $25 and the Fluzone High Dose vaccine that provides added protection for people ages sixty-five and older will be $65.

Cash and checks will be accepted at the Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinics in each county, and credit cards will also be accepted at the clinics being held in Cherokee and Pickens Counties.

The CDC recommends getting a flu shot before the flu begins spreading in communities. It takes about two weeks after vaccination for antibodies that protect against flu to develop in the body, so people should get a flu shot by the end of October before the flu season begins and prior to seasonal get-togethers when flu is more easily spread from person to person.

In addition to getting a flu shot, other protective measures to prevent the flu are to:

  1. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  2. Stay home when you are sick
  3. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing.
  4. Clean your hands often with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub.
  5. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
  6. Practice other good health habits, such as clean and disinfect surfaces, get enough sleep, be physically active, manage stress, drink plenty of fluids and eat nutritious food.

And remember, the single best way to prevent the flu is to get a flu shot. The most convenient way to get that shot in North Georgia is at the nearest public health Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinic.

For additional details about the Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinics, click here to the North Georgia Health District website. To learn more about influenza and flu protection, log onto the CDC’s website at www.cdc.gov/flu/.

FREE HIV Testing at County Health Departments in North Georgia on Thursday, September 27, National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day! Click on the nearest county name in the toolbar above for health department location and contact information. Free HIV testing will also be provided at The Living Bridge Center in Dalton (click here).

National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NGMHAAD) is observed each year on September 27 to direct attention to the continuing and disproportionate impact of HIV and AIDS on gay and bisexual men in the United States. Browse below for resources to learn more and find out how to get involved in making a positive difference at all times. Also click here to the CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/library/awareness/ngmhaad.html.


Photo Credit: CDC 

Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness.... Learn about the best prevention options for you at gov/StartTalking.

Get involved in Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness


Here's a few ways to get and stay involved: 

    • Know your HIV status or seek treatment services. Go to a county health department in the North Georgia Health District (find and click on a county name in the above toolbar) or Use HIV.gov’s locator to find HIV services near you!
    • Get social by using the hashtag, #NGMHAAD, on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other platforms.
  • Request CBA to help address the prevention and care needs of men living with or affected by HIV.

Stay up to date with everything CBA by joining our mailing list! Visit our website to sign up!



Find more infographics and information at https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/library/awareness/ngmhaad.html.

 Drive through and BEAT the FLU in Ellijay  - Thursday, October 4th!

Gilmer Drive thru Flu Shot Clinic Web Post

 The Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinic is for people 18 and older. Click on this graphic to view the Drive-thru Flyer and SHARE!

Ellijay, GA – Gilmer County Health Department presents its annual DRIVE-THRU FLU SHOT CLINIC on Thursday, October 4th from 8:30 am to 2 pm at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Ellijay! Drive through and beat the flu while remaining in your vehicle for a fast, safe and convenient vaccination. You’ll also help public health staff and community partners exercise local Point of Dispensing plans for times of public health emergencies. Four-in-One Quadrivalent Flu Shots will be $25 and Fluzone High Dose Shots for people 65 and older will be $65. Cash, checks, Medicare, Medicaid, Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Humana and United Healthcare Insurance will be accepted. Pleasant Grove Baptist Church is conveniently located at 115 Pleasant Grove Road in Ellijay. The CDC recommends getting a flu shot each year. The fastest, most convenient way to get that shot in Gilmer County is at the Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinic in Ellijay! Call (706) 635-4363 for more information.

 Drive through and BEAT the FLU in Dalton  - Tuesday, October 2nd!

Whitfield Drive thru 2018 Web

The Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinic is for people 18 and older. Click on this graphic to view the Drive-thru Flyer and SHARE!

Dalton, GA – Whitfield County Health Department presents the annual DRIVE-THRU FLU SHOT CLINIC at Dalton Convention Center on Tuesday, October 2nd from 9 am to 5 pm. Drive through and beat the flu as you safely receive a flu shot while seated in your vehicle. You’ll also be helping public health staff and community partners practice local Point of Dispensing operations for times of emergency. 4-in-1 Quadrivalent Flu Shots will be $25 and Fluzone High Dose Flu Shots for people 65 and older will be $65. Cash, checks, Medicare, Medicaid, Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Coventry, Humana and United Healthcare Insurance will be accepted. The Dalton Convention Center is located at 2211 Dug Gap Battle Road in Dalton. The CDC recommends getting a flu shot each year. The fastest, most convenient way to get that shot is at the Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinic in Dalton! Call (706) 279-9600 for more information.

Express Your SuperPower 2018 for web

Canton (GA) – Are you prepared to let your inner super hero shine? The Express Your SuperPower 5K/10K is Saturday, September 22, 2018. Come solo or bring the whole family for this exciting event held annually at the Etowah River Park on Brown Industrial Parkway in Canton. Be sure to dress as your favorite super power hero for a chance to win a prize for your costume!

Preregister at www.expressyoursuperpower5k.com to guarantee receiving an Express Your SuperPower T-shirt, or you may register that morning prior to race time.

Both a walking and running event, the Express Your SuperPower 5K/10K begins at 8 a.m. See the following Express Your SuperPower 5K/10K Activities and Details at a Glance guide.

Fun activities are planned for people of all ages as we raise awareness of breastfeeding and the health of babies and children.

Carol Hendrix, WIC Breastfeeding Coordinator for the North Georgia Health District, said, “We join each year with our breastfeeding coalition at the local and state levels to present the Express Your SuperPower 5K/10K as an extension of our celebration of World Breastfeeding Week, observed annually August 1 – 7. Proceeds go to the Northwest Georgia Breastfeeding Coalition and the Georgia Breastfeeding Coalition.”

Breastfeeding is a vitally important public health issue that affects all Georgians.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), breastfeeding is the best method for early infant feeding and the healthiest option for most mothers and babies. Mothers and their children show short-term and long-term health benefits from breastfeeding. Although 80% of mothers start out breastfeeding, more than 50% stop before they intended. Only about 22% of infants are being exclusively breastfed as recommended by the time they are 6 months old. These low rates of breastfeeding add more than $2 billion a year to direct medical costs in the United States.1

The CDC also emphasizes the necessity of physical activity for everyone.

The CDC states that physical activity offers many benefits for the health of individuals and communities. Getting enough physical activity can prevent 1 in 8 cases of breast cancer, 1 in 8 cases of colorectal cancer, 1 in 8 cases of type 2 diabetes and 1 in 12 cases of heart disease.2

The Express Your SuperPower 5K/10K is not only a terrific opportunity for you and your family to engage in physical activity but to also support breastfeeding awareness.

Register today for the Express Your SuperPower 5K/10K at www.expressyoursuperpower5k.com


 Express Your SuperPower 5K/10K Activities and Details at a Glance: 

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Etowah River Park, Brown Industrial Parkway, Canton, GA

5K, 10K, 1m, Fun Run - $25 Entry Fee

Tot Trot - $10 Entry fee 

Race Day Schedule
7:00 am - Race Day Check in Starts
8:00 am - 5K & 10K start

The 5K course starts and finishes in Etowah River Park and is FLAT except for the bridge over the river. The 10K course is a double loop, and should provide a perfect opportunity if you're wanting to do your 1st 10K. If you're a seasoned 10K vet, this should provide you with an opportunity to get a PR.

Timing & Awards
The event will be chip timed and we'll have awards for the Overall M/F, Overall Master's M/F, as well as top finishers in all the normal 5yr age groups starting at 10 & under through 75+.

Finish Line & Post Race Refreshments
Super Heroes, music and a ton of fun stuff await you at the end of your run.

Five Star Turkey Trot & Five Star Championships
All participants will be eligible for free entry into the Five Star Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day. Top finishers will earn a spot in the Five Star 5K championships.


1, 2 https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/resources/publications/aag/dnpao.htm

Health officials urge residents to make sure pets are vaccinated

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ELLIJAY, GA – Gilmer County Environmental Health officials are urging residents to ensure pets are vaccinated against rabies after a Talking Rock dog was bitten by a rabid raccoon.

The raccoon fought with the dog outside a home in the Ruby Ridge Drive/Highway 136 area of Talking Rock near the Gilmer-Pickens County Line on September 4th.

The raccoon was shipped for testing to the Georgia Public Health Laboratory and the positive rabies results have now been reported to the Gilmer County Environmental Health office.

According to Andrea Mathis, county environmental health manager, there was no human exposure to the raccoon, and since the dog was currently vaccinated against rabies, it only required a booster shot and at-home observation for 45 days.

“It’s imperative to maintain rabies vaccinations in our pets, not only for their protection, but to protect ourselves and our families from rabies,” said Mathis. “Once our pets are exposed to rabies, they can expose us, and rabies is virtually 100 percent fatal if not treated before symptoms begin.”

An opportunity to get rabies vaccinations for dogs and cats at the reduced cost of $10.00 will be at the Fall Vaccines Clinic hosted by VCA Animal Appalachian Animal Hospital on September 29th. Other vaccines will be offered, as well. Please click on the attached flyer below to view various times and locations of the clinic that are being held throughout Gilmer County.

To learn more about rabies and how to protect against the disease, call the local county environmental health office. The number for Gilmer County Environmental Health is (706) 635-6050.

Additional rabies information is available on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website at www.cdc.gov/rabies.

 Drive through and BEAT the FLU in Blue Ridge  - Wednesday, September 26th!

Fannin Drive thru 2018 FB ad web

The Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinic is for people 18 and older. Click on this graphic to view the Drive-thru Flyer and SHARE!

Blue Ridge, GA – Fannin County Health Department presents the annual DRIVE-THRU FLU SHOT CLINIC at The Farmers Market in Blue Ridge on Wednesday, September 26th from 9 am to 3 pm. Drive through and beat the flu as you safely receive a flu shot while seated in your vehicle. You’ll also be helping public health staff and community partners practice local Point of Dispensing operations for times of emergency. 4-in-1 Quadrivalent Flu Shots will be $25 and Fluzone High Dose Flu Shots for people 65 and older will be $65. Cash, checks, credit cards, Medicare, Medicaid, Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Coventry, Humana and United Healthcare Insurance will be accepted. The Farmers Market is located on East First Street in Blue Ridge. The CDC recommends getting a flu shot each year. The fastest, most convenient way to get that shot is at the Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinic in Blue Ridge! Call (706) 632-3023 for more information.

 Emergency Declaration

From GEORGIAGOV website

September 12, 2018

Based on the latest 11 a.m. forecast for Hurricane Florence and acting on a recommendation from Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA/HS) officials, Gov. Nathan Deal today issued an emergency declaration for all 159 counties in Georgia.

“The state is mobilizing all available resources to ensure public safety ahead of Hurricane Florence,” said Deal. “In light of the storm’s forecasted southward track after making landfall, I encourage Georgians to be prepared for the inland effects of the storm as well as the ensuing storm surge in coastal areas. GEMA/HS continues to lead our preparedness efforts as we coordinate with federal, state and local officials to provide public shelter and accommodate those evacuating from other states. Finally, I ask all Georgians to join me in praying for the safety of our people and all those in the path of Hurricane Florence.”

To read the executive order, click here.

For more information on hurricane preparedness, visit the GEMA/HS website here.

BEAT the FLU FAST in Woodstock - Tuesday, September 25th!

Cherokee Drive thru 2018 Web

The Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinic is for people 18 and older. Click on this graphic to view the Drive-thru Flyer and SHARE!

Woodstock, GA – Just drive through to beat the flu at the DRIVE-THRU FLU SHOT CLINIC in Woodstock! The Cherokee County Health Department will conduct their annual Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinic on Tuesday, September 25th from 9 am to 2 pm at Woodstock City Church, 150 Ridgewalk Parkway in Woodstock. Roll in, roll up a sleeve and get the shot that will protect you all flu season as you remain in your vehicle. You’ll also be helping public health staff and community partners practice local Point of Dispensing operations for times of emergency. 4-in-1 Quadrivalent Flu Shots will be $25 and Fluzone High Dose Flu Shots for people 65 and older will be $65. Cash, checks, credit cards, Medicare, Medicaid, Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Coventry, Humana and United Healthcare Insurance will be accepted. The CDC recommends getting a flu shot each year. The fastest, most convenient way to get that shot is at the Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinic in Woodstock! Call (770) 345-7371 or (770) 928-0133 for more information.

Conveniently BEAT the FLU in Jasper - Tuesday, September 25th! 

Pickens Drive thru 2018 Web

The Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinic is for people 18 and older. Click on this graphic to view the Drive-thru Flyer and SHARE!

Jasper, GA – Fast, safe, convenient. . . drive through and beat the flu at the DRIVE-THRU FLU SHOT CLINIC in Jasper! Just roll in, roll up a sleeve and get the shot that will protect you all flu season, while seated in your vehicle. The Pickens County Health Department will conduct their annual Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinic on Tuesday, September 25th from 8:30 am to 3 pm at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, 1036 North Main Street, Jasper. You’ll also be helping public health staff and community partners practice local Point of Dispensing operations for times of emergency. 4-in-1 Quadrivalent Flu Shots will be $25 and Fluzone High Dose Flu Shots for people 65 and older will be $65. Cash, checks, credit cards, Medicare, Medicaid, Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Coventry, Humana and United Healthcare Insurance will be accepted. The CDC recommends getting a flu shot each year. The fastest, most convenient way to get that shot is at the Drive-thru Flu Shot Clinic in Jasper! Call (706) 253-2821 for more information.


Join the Free Workshop on Sept. 25th in Dalton! Click on the event flyer below to enlarge for details.

***Note: This training has two simultaneous sessions, one for parents in SPANISH and another for young adults in ENGLISH. Registration is required.***

Sept 25 Dalton HCT Flyer EnglishSept 25 Dalton Spanish HCT Flyer

 Food Safety Web

National Food Safety Month (NFSM) is the one month of the year dedicated to food safety education. Did you know that roughly one in six people get sick from foodborne illness in the United States every year? September is National Food Safety Month and we want everyone to know the importance of handling food properly. While it's important to practice safe food handling habits all year, we want to use this month to emphasize food safety basics you should already know.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Saving Lives. Protecting People. ™


Environmental Health News

Subscribe to Environmental Health Services (EHS) for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). For more information, visit www.cdc.gov/nceh/ehs.

September Is National Food Safety Month

Celebrate with these resources for food safety programs
from CDC and food safety partners.

Learn more about food safety with our FREE resources!

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Looking for more?

Visit our news page for other resources for food safety programs and the public.

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rabid skunk

Health officials alert neighbors

Chatsworth, GA – North Georgia Health District officials announced today that a skunk that fought with a dog in a neighborhood on Mt. Moriah Road in Chatsworth has tested positive for rabies.

The skunk was killed by the owner of the dog after it came into the owner’s yard and the two animals began fighting. The incident happened on August 30th and the skunk was tested by the Georgia Public Health Laboratory immediately after Labor Day.

No other pet or human exposure to the skunk was reported, however, Murray County Environmental Health staff are notifying neighbors of the incident and urging them to ensure their pets are currently vaccinated.

All residents are reminded to maintain rabies vaccinations in their pets and to avoid contact with unfamiliar animals, both wild and domesticated.

To learn more about rabies and how to protect against it, call the local county environmental health office. The number for Murray County Environmental Health is (706) 695-0266, ext. 371.

Additional rabies information is available on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website at www.cdc.gov/rabies.


From Ready.gov

National Preparedness Month

National Preparedness Month (NPM), recognized each September, provides an opportunity to remind us that we all must prepare ourselves and our families now and throughout the year. This NPM will focus on planning, with an overarching theme: Disasters Happen. Prepare Now. Learn How.   

Take time to learn lifesaving skills − such as CPR and first aid, check your insurance policies and coverage for the hazards you may face, such as flood, earthquakes, and tornados. Make sure to consider the costs associated with disasters and save for an emergency. Also, know how to take practical safety steps like shutting off water and gas.

The devastating hurricanes and wildfires of 2017 reminded the nation of the importance of preparing for disasters.  Often, we will be the first ones in our communities to take action after a disaster strikes and before first responders arrive, so it is important to prepare in advance to help yourself and your community.

2018 Weekly Themes

  • Week 1: Sept 1-8                        Make and Practice Your Plan
  • Week 2: Sept 9-15*                     Learn Life Saving Skills
  • Week 3: Sept 16-22                    Check Your Coverage
  • Week 4: Sept 23-29                    Save For an Emergency
  • September 15 is a National Day of Action


  • #PrepareNow
  • #FloodSmart
  • #NatlPrep