Free Mail Order Condoms Now Available to North Georgians
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Category: Media Releases
The North Georgia Health District announces Free Mail Order Condoms are now available to residents in Cherokee, Fannin, Gilmer, Murray, Pickens and Whitfield Counties!
Here are details of the Free Mail Order Condom offer in North Georgia:
Condoms are free to anyone in the health district.
You will be able to request condoms using an online form accessed at or tap the code at left and scan using your mobile device.
You will also be able to request condoms using a hard copy form that has been distributed to health departments (click on above LOCATIONS tab for contact information).
Condoms will be mailed discreetly.
Order yours today!
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Hits: 9889
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Category: Media Releases
Please DO NOT Trash/Delete this Post... thank you! Jennifer King
CC_-_Deaths_by_Demo_-_11-16-2020.pdf CC_-_Deaths_by_Demo_-_11-23-2020.pdf CC_-_Deaths_by_Demo_-_11-30-2020.pdf CC_-_Deaths_by_Demo_-_12-7-2020.pdf
Cherokee COVID Deaths by Demo - 10-26-2020 Cherokee COVID Deaths by Demo - 11-2-2020 Cherokee COVID Deaths by Demo - 11-9-2020
Cherokee COVID Deaths by Demo - 10-19-2020
Cherokee COVID Deaths by Demo - 10-12-2020
Cherokee COVID Deaths by Demo - 10-5-2020
Cherokee COVID Deaths by Demo - 9-28-2020
Cherokee COVID Dealths by Demo - 9-21-2020
Cherokee COVID Dealths by Demo - 9-14-2020
Cherokee COVID Deaths - 9-7-2020
CC Cases - 11-9-20 CC Cumulative Cases - 11-9-20 CC Percent Positive - 11-9-20
Fannin County Gilmer County Murray County Pickens County
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Hits: 390
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Category: Media Releases
Due to the community’s tremendous response for FREE COVID-19 testing by the Whitfield County Health Department at the Mack Gaston Community Center, the health department will offer the testing there once again this Saturday, July 25th! Come get your free test anytime between 8 am and 12 pm. No appointment is necessary. No identification is required. You will also learn more about stopping the spread of the virus and protecting yourself, your family and your community from COVID-19.
Mack Gaston Community Center is located at 218 North Frederick Street, Dalton, GA 30721. For questions about COVID-19 testing, call 1-888-881-1474.
For more information about COVID-19 on our website, log onto
Debido a la tremenda respuesta de la comunidad para las pruebas COVID-19 GRATIS por el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Whitfield en el Centro Comunitario Mack Gaston, ¡el departamento de salud ofrecerá las pruebas allí una vez más este sábado 25 de julio! No se necesita cita. No se requiere identificación. Venga y obtenga su prueba gratuita en cualquier momento entre las 8 am y las 12 pm. También aprenderá más sobre cómo detener la propagación del virus y protegerse a sí mismo, a su familia y a su comunidad del COVID-19.
El Centro Comunitario Mack Gaston está ubicado en 218 North Frederick Street, Dalton, GA 30721. Para preguntas sobre las pruebas COVID-19, llame al 1-888-881-1474.
Para obtener más información sobre COVID-19 en nuestro sitio web, inicie sesión en
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Hits: 3986
Health Officials Concerned about Gilmer County Spike in COVID-19 Cases
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Category: Media Releases
Health Officials Encourage Certain Residents to Get Tested for COVID-19
Ellijay, GA – COVID-19 cases took a sharp increase in Gilmer County this past week, and public health officials are concerned the main cause could be the attendance of large gatherings in the county. Anyone who recently attended events such as church revivals or other local large gatherings in the county is encouraged to get tested for COVID-19.
Free COVID-19 testing is provided by the Gilmer County Health Department on Mondays and Fridays at the ETC Pavilion in Ellijay. Residents are to call 1-888-881-1474 to register and make an appointment.
On June 11, the total number of positive cases in the county was 166, including one death. Since then, one additional death occurred, and positive cases increased weekly by five to ten until reaching a total of 190 on July 2.
Most concerning, however, was a sudden spike in numbers so that as of July 9, there were 216 positive cases of COVID-19 in Gilmer County, and today, public health is reporting an additional ten cases in the county.
“That is an increase of 36 cases in just over a week,” said Dr. Zachary Taylor, Health Director of North Georgia Health District 1-2 of the Georgia Department of Public Health, which includes Gilmer County. “Considering the protective measures and proactive precautions against coronavirus that have been readily available and promoted by the CDC and public health, transmission of this virus should be decreasing in our communities, certainly not increasing.”
Health officials strongly urge residents to prevent further spread of the virus by always wearing a mask in public, frequently washing hands or using a hand sanitizer, avoiding large crowds, social distancing away from others by at least six feet, avoiding physical contact when in public by not shaking hands or giving hugs, and staying home and calling a doctor if COVID-19 symptoms appear or if close contact occurred to someone who tested positive for the virus within the past 14 days.
Meanwhile, public health continues to track the virus through contact tracing, which means people who test positive for COVID-19 identify others they may have exposed to the virus so that public health contact tracers can determine if those contacts need to be quarantined and tested.
Additionally, the Gilmer County Health Department is collaborating with the Gilmer County Public Safety and Emergency Management Agency, Gilmer County Family Connections, Gilmer County Schools and several local churches, businesses, and other community partners to educate residents on how to take protective measures against COVID-19. They have utilized several methods and venues to share bilingual materials with the public and have even provided free face masks.
County nurse manager, Krystal Sumner, said, “Even residents who are asymptomatic can receive the free testing we offer. Knowing who is carrying the virus helps public health get ahead of transmission and prevent the virus from spreading further. By taking this step and the other recommended protective measures, we can stop the spread of COVID-19 together.”
Learn more about free COVID-19 testing in North Georgia and the latest updates on how to stop the spread at
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Hits: 8110
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Category: Media Releases
The Whitfield County Health Department is once again offering FREE COVID-19 Testing this Saturday, July 11, 2020! Come get your free test at the Mack Gaston Community Center anytime between 8 am and 12 pm. No appointment is necessary. No identification is required. You will also learn more about stopping the spread of the virus and protecting yourself, your family and your community from COVID-19.
Mack Gaston Community Center is located at 218 North Frederick Street, Dalton GA 30721. For questions about COVID-19 testing, call 1-888-881-1474.
For more information about COVID-19 on our website, log onto
¡El Departamento de Salud del Condado de Whitfield ofrece una vez más la prueba COVID-19 GRATUITA este sábado 11 de julio de 2020! Venga y obtenga su prueba gratuita en el Centro Comunitario Mack Gaston en cualquier momento entre las 8 am y las 12 pm. No se necesita cita. No se requiere identificación. También aprenderá más sobre cómo detener la propagación del virus y protegerse a sí mismo, a su familia y a su comunidad del COVID-19.
El Centro Comunitario Mack Gaston está ubicado en 218 North Frederick Street, Dalton GA 30721. Para preguntas sobre las pruebas COVID-19, llame al 1-888-881-1474.
Para obtener más información sobre COVID-19 en nuestro sitio web, inicie sesión en
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Hits: 6436
FREE COVID-19 TESTING for July 4th in North GA!
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Category: Media Releases
CALL CENTER is Open on Friday, July 3rd from 8 AM to 11 AM to REGISTER for YOUR APPOINTMENT for FREE COVID-19 TESTING! CALL 1-888-881-1474.
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Hits: 1277