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Category: Media Releases
Conveniently located in North Georgia! Register HERE.
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Anyone who has COVID-19 type symptoms or has been in close contact recently with a person infected with the virus needs to be tested for COVID-19, even if you are fully vaccinated.
Free COVID-19 Testing is offered at a MAKO Medical Drive-Thru Testing Site in North Georgia through a partnership with the Georgia Department of Public Health. There are no eligibility requirements other than having a Georgia address and registering online at
**Please do not call the facility where testing is operated or the county health departments for information. The facility and health departments DO NOT operate testing. MAKO Medical is in charge. Therefore, please direct all testing-related questions to MAKO Medical via their website at**
The location, address and hours for FREE COVID-19 Drive-thru testing at the MAKO Medical site in North Georgia is:
**Please do not call the facility where the testing operates or the county health departments. No information is available by phone at these locations**
More information about MAKO Medical’s Free COVID-19 Testing is available at the registration link.
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Hits: 36594
Greater Precautions Needed as COVID-19 Variant is Identified in North GA
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Category: Media Releases
North GA — The Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) announced yesterday there are 19 cases of the COVID-19 variant B.1.1.7 identified in Georgia, including one case in Cherokee County, located in the North Georgia Health District. This COVID-19 variant is commonly known as the UK variant because it was discovered in England, and it is now in several other countries and U.S. states. Currently, this is the only new variant in Georgia.
The other Georgia cases were identified in Carroll, Clayton, Cobb, DeKalb, Douglas, Fulton, Gwinnett, and Paulding counties.
Case investigation and contact tracing to identify, inform and monitor anyone who was in close contact with these individuals are ongoing. However, officials advise that the virus could be identified anywhere so we must take the same precautions as if a case had been identified nearby.
“We are still not certain whether this variant of the virus causes more severe illness than the more common coronavirus, however, we do know that it seems to spread more easily and quicker,” said Zachary Taylor, MD, MS, district health director of District 2 Public Health and interim health director of North Georgia Health District 1-2. “With the presence of a more contagious variant, we must be even more vigilant to protect against it and continue taking the necessary steps to avoid spreading the virus – wear a mask, wash your hands, avoid gatherings.”
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Hits: 16624