“We are very pleased with the number of people who armed themselves against the flu at our clinic yesterday and today,” said Gayle Brannon, county nurse manager. “Now, we challenge all our residents to protect

Having the flu can lead to serious complications and death. The best protection against influenza is a flu shot.
The flu vaccine is $20 at the health department, located at 800 Professional Boulevard in Dalton. The department accepts cash, checks, Medicare, Medicaid, State Cigna and State Healthcare Insurances.
The Drive-by Flu Shot Clinic also served as a drill so that health department staff could test their ability to quickly administer medications in a widespread public health crisis such as pandemic influenza. The vaccination process went smoothly and quickly for everyone who participated.
“We are very grateful for the help we received in successfully operating our clinic from the Whitfield County Sheriff's Office and from volunteers, including members of the local Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)," Brannon said.
For more information about influenza vaccination, please contact the Whitfield County Health Department at (706) 226-2621 or log onto www.cdc.gov/flu.
View photos of the Drive-by Clinic in Dalton on our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.415673561820747.103775.130708733650566&type=1