The Pass It On - Good Health Celebration at Woodstock City Park this past Saturday, September 29 was a huge success as families were reminded of how much fun it is to play together while getting physically fit!

Dozens of families came to enjoy fun games, entertaining exercises, dancing, Zumba®, walking, jump roping, healthy snacks, nutritious recipe demonstrations, and health screenings such as blood pressure and body mass index (BMI) measurements and Pass It On Photohearing, dental and vision screenings for kids!

Plus, a clothing and food drive took place simultaneously at nearby Allen Temple AME Church as well as the ribbon-cutting to the church's brand new Lactation Room, where mothers may privately breastfeed their babies while attending worship services.

The Pass It On - Good Health Celebration was a *Georgia SHAPE event and was sponsored by the Allen Temple AME Church of Woodstock. Participating partners included LA Fitness, Kroger, Cherokee County Health Department, North Georgia WIC, and the North Georgia Health District, part of the Georgia Department of Public Health.

*More about Georgia SHAPE: Georgia SHAPE is an exciting initiative to improve Georgia’s future, beginning with our state’s most vital and important asset — our young people. We know all children can benefit from knowledge of their current health-related fitness levels, along with a capacity to develop and implement strategies for personal improvement. For more information on Georgia SHAPE visit: www.GeorgiaSHAPE.org.

Photos from this event are on our Facebook page at  http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.415277418527028.103675.130708733650566&type=1