BCGC Readiness Day flyerDalton (GA) – The North Georgia Health District and local emergency responders will present lessons on preparing for emergencies to children of the Boys and Girls Club in Dalton in celebration of Readiness Day, Thursday, September 12, 2019. Other participating agencies include Hamilton Emergency Medical Services, Dalton Fire Department and the Dalton Police Department.

Boys & Girls Clubs across the nation are joining together on September 12 in recognition of National Preparedness Month and the organization’s 2nd annual Readiness Day, which focuses on the most critical aspect of Club operations – the safety and wellbeing of members and staff.

The local Readiness Day event will take place at the Boys and Girls Club in Dalton from 3 to 5 PM and will feature interactive lessons for children that cover crucial topics such as which key items should be on hand for an emergency, how to create a family emergency plan, who should be included on a list of emergency contacts and where should an emergency supply of food and water for each person and pet for at least 3 days be stored. The proper handling of food and water during an emergency will also be presented.

Emergency preparedness materials in English and Spanish will be available for all children in attendance to take home.

For more information, please contact Jennifer King of the North Georgia Health District at (706) 529-5741, ext. 13191or Diane Hughes of the Boys and Girls Club in Dalton at (706) 529-5032, ext. 107. The Boys and Girls Club in Dalton is located at 1013 Underwood Street, Dalton, GA 30721.