CMS Telemedicine Genetics (Dalton)

Georgia Department of Public Health announces the start of a new Genetics Telemedicine Clinic coming to North Georgia Health District 1-2 in Dalton via Children’s Medical Services & Genetics. We are currently accepting new patients or patients who would like to transfer their services from other areas within the state. The clinic will be offered every quarter beginning April 30, 2019 from 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. and will possibly increase to monthly as more patients are needed to be seen. Most private insurances and Georgia Medicaid will be accepted.



Below is a brief profile of the physician that will be providing the service.


Dr. Vidya KrishmamurthyDr. Vidya Krishnamurthy (‘Dr. V.’) is Board Certified in Pediatrics and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. She completed her pediatric training at the University of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA. Dr. Krishnamurthy is also Board Certified in Medical Genetics and is a member of the American College of Medical Genetics. She completed her medical genetics training at Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC. Dr. Krishnamurthy has over 12 years’ experience as a Pediatrician, practicing in Malaysia. She is also Board Certified in Pediatrics in the UK and is a member of the Royal College of Physicians, MRCP.



To make a referral, please fax a completed referral form along with medical notes to (706) 529-5767. For more information, please contact Children’s Medical Services at (706) 529-5763 or (888) 276-1558.


CMS Telemedicine Genetics (Dalton)

More about Telemedicine Services

Sometimes the best doctor to care for your child's special health care needs is not in the area where you live. Children's Medical Services (CMS) has a program that may help. The CMS Telemedicine Program allows a child to see an expert specialty doctor who is in a different location without taking up a lot of time for travel.

Telemedicine is the use of special computer equipment with cameras and secure telephone lines that so children and youth who are at a different location from their specialty doctor can still get the care and services they need.

telemedicine kids

Telemedicine is a way for a child to easily see a doctor who may be hours away. A CMS nurse helps the child and family during the telemedicine visit while allowing doctors and other health care providers to talk to a parent and child about health concerns, to answer questions, to make recommendations for a plan of care, or follow-up on past care. Telemedicine is safe, secure, and private with only the people in the room with the child and the doctor able to see what is going on.

For more information on telemedicine and to find out if telemedicine may work for you and your child, contact your local CMS Office in North Georgia.