Dalton (GA) May 8, 2012 - Red fox.  image courtesy of: U.S. Fish & Wildlife ServiceRed fox image courtesy of: U.S. Fish & Wildlife ServiceFannin County Environmental Health officials announced today that a fox which attacked a Morganton woman on May 4 has tested positive for rabies.

Environmental Health Specialist Shannon Bradburn reported that the fox attacked the woman last Friday morning as she walked her dog on Dennis Drive.

"She was suddenly hit from behind by the fox, which bit her leg before running away," said Bradburn.
Dalton (GA) May 8, 2012 - WIC Nutritionist Addie Crum instructs a mother and child on good nutritionWIC Nutritionist Addie Crum instructs a mother and child on good nutritionGraduates of local schools are now giving back to their community with essential services that are available to thousands in Whitfield County, many of whom take advantage of these services. . . many more are eligible.

Addie Crum, 2005 graduate of Christian Heritage School, Maria Pimentel, 2006 graduate of Dalton High School, and 2007 Dalton High School graduate, Hannah Michaels, are all working through the local Women, Infant and Children (WIC) program to assist in supplementing the nutritional needs of young mothers and children.

WIC serves 7,000 young mothers and children in Whitfield County, and funds are available to provide services to many others.